Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Marketing Analytics - KMBMK05 mcq 1


  1. Temporarily reducing prices to increase short-run sales is an example of which of the following?


a.       Segmented pricing

b.      Promotional pricing

c.       Dynamic pricing

d.      Geographical pricing

Ans: Promotional Pricing

  1. Strategies that are used for new product pricing are called which of the following?


a.             Market-skimming pricing and Market-penetration pricing

b.            Market-skimming pricing and Market-product pricing

c.             Market-segmentation pricing and Market-penetration pricing

d.            None of the above

Ans :Market-skimming pricing and Market product pricing

  1. What is captive product pricing?


a.       Setting prices across an entire product line

b.      Pricing bundles of products sold together

c.       Pricing products that must be used with the main product

d.      Pricing low-value by-products, to get rid of them

Ans: Pricing low-value by products to get rid of them

  1. Which of the following statements is true?   


a.       Price elasticity: a measure of the sensitivity of demand to changes in price

b.      If demand hardly changes with a small change in price, the demand is inelastic

c.       If demand changes greatly, the demand is elastic

d.      All of the above

Ans: All of the above

  1. Under oligopolistic competition the market consists of a few sellers who are highly sensitive to each other's pricing and market strategies.


a.        True

b.       False

Ans: True

  1. Target pricing is the same as finding out an ideal starting selling price.


a.        True

b.       False

Ans: True

  1. A value-based pricing strategy involves which of the following?


a.       The pricing is product driven; the input comes from calculus and controlling

b.      setting price based on buyers' perceptions of value rather than on seller's cost

c.       he company adds up the costs of making the product and sets a price that covers the cost plus target profit

d.      None of the above

Ans: Setting price based on buyer’s perceptions of value rather than on seller’s cost

  1. The "experience curve" refers to which of the following?


a.       Cost per unit as a function of accumulated production

b.      Short-run product cost

c. Break-even cost per unit

d. All of the above

Ans: Cost per unit as a function of accumulated production

  1. When initiating price changes the company must anticipate possible reactions from both buyers and competitors.


a.       True

b.      False

      Ans:  True

10.  Dividing markets into groups of customers with similar needs is called:


a.       perceptual mapping.

b.      segmenting.

c.       positioning.

d.      targeting.

Ans: Segmenting  

11.  Positioning is the process of:


a.       putting the product in the right shops.

b.      creating the right relationship with suppliers and retailers.

c.       putting the product in the right place within a retail store.

d.      putting the product in the right place in the customer's mind.

Ans: Putting the product in the right place in the customer’s mind

12.  The purpose of segmentation is:


a.                   to ensure that resources are used in the most effective way.

b.                  to make it easier to find customers.

c.                   to help customers understand what our products are.

d.                  to simplify the marketing plan.

Ans: To ensure that resources are used in the most effective way

13.  Segmenting a market according to where people shop is an example of:


a.             geographic segmentation.

b.            sociological segmentation.

c.             behavioural segmentation.

d.            psychographic segmentation.



Ans:  Geographic  Segmentation

14.  Which of the following is inappropriate for segmenting industrial markets?


a.             Psychographic segmentation.

b.            Geographical segmentation.

c.             Multivariable segmentation.

d.            Behavioural segmentation.

Ans: Psychographic segmentation

15.  Niche marketing is an example of:


a.             concentrated marketing.

b.            undifferentiated marketing.

c.             differentiated marketing.

d.            gap marketing.

Ans: Concentrated Marketing

16.  Delphi is used for


a.             sales forecasting.

b.            positioning.

c.             targeting.

d.            segmenting.

Ans: Sales Forecasting

17.  A low-resource company in a mass market containing high-differentiation consumers should:


a.       follow an undifferentiated strategy.

b.            follow a concentrated strategy.

c.             follow an aggressive strategy.

d.            follow a differentiated strategy.

Ans: follow a concentrated strategy


18.  Psychographic segmentation classifies consumers according to their personalities.


a.        True

b.       False

Ans: True

19.  Age, income and marital status are all elements of behavioural segmentation.


a.        True

b.       False

Ans: False

20.  Geographic segmentation is unsuitable for industrial markets.


a.        True

b.       False

Ans: False

21.  Multivariable segmentation takes account of only one characteristic.


a.        True

b.       False

Ans: False

22.  Industrial markets can be segmented according to the quantities of product bought.


a.        True

b.       False

Ans: True

23.  Segments are profitable provided the consumers are prepared to pay a premium that is less than the cost of adapting the product.


a.       True

b.      False

Ans: False

24.  Segmenting by country is realistic in global markets.


a.        True

b.      False

Ans: True

25.  Differentiated marketing means concentrating on two or more segments.


a.        True

b.      False

Ans: True

26.  A high resource company in a mass market should use a differentiated approach, provided the customers are also differentiated.


a.        True

b.      False

Ans: True

27.  A firm entering every possible segment of the market is a market specialist.


a.        True

b.      False

Ans: False


28.  Positioning is about placing the product correctly in the consumers' perceptual map.


a.        True

b.      False

Ans: True


29.  Retail advertising incorporates:

a.       payment for media

b.      a personal presentation

c.       a format that can be adapted to individual consumers

d.      an unidentified sponsor

Ans: Payment for Media


30.  Which type of retailer has the highest advertising-to-sales ratio?


a.       convenience stores

b.      furniture stores

c.       grocery stores

d.      jewellery stores

  Ans: Furniture stores

31.  Advertising costs are shared between two or more retailers or a manufacturer, a wholesaler, and a retailer through:


a.       promotional monies (PMs)

b.      promotional allowances

c.       cooperative advertising

d.      slotting fees

Ans: Cooperative  advertising

32.  Which of the following is not an advantage of advertising?


a.       A large audience is attracted.

b.      Messages can be lengthy and contain a lot of detail.

c.       A large number of alternative media are available.

d.      The retailer has control over message content, graphics, timing, and size.

Ans: Messages can be lengthy and contain a lot of detail

33.  Which advertising medium enables the retail advertiser to control its market coverage?


a.       direct mail

b.      telephone directories

c.       radio

d.      daily newspapers

Ans: Direct Mail

34.  A message that has persuasion as its goal is a(n):


a.       institutional ad

b.      competitive ad

c.       reminder ad

d.      pioneer ad

Ans: Competitive Ad

35.  Which type of advertisement seeks to keep the retailer's name before the public without emphasizing the sale of goods or services?


a.       institutional advertisement

b.      competitive advertisement

c.       reminder advertisement

d.      pioneer advertisement

Ans: Institutional advertisement

36.  Which type of advertising is subject to the rules of the Competition Act?

a.       horizontal cooperative advertising

b.      vertical cooperative advertising

c.       institutional advertising

d.      competitive advertising

Ans: Vertical cooperative advertising

37.  A distinction between publicity and advertising is that advertising:


a.       uses agencies to place messages

b.      utilizes media, while publicity relies on word-of-mouth

c.       is more controllable

d.      is more credible

Ans: is more controllable


38.  Which of the following is not an advantage of publicity?


a.       A retail image can be presented or enhanced.

b.      An objective source presents the message.

c.       A mass audience is addressed.

d.      There is control over the timing of the message.

Ans: there is control over the timing of the message

39.  A major advantage of personal selling in comparison to other forms of promotion is that:


a.       several product attributes can be discussed at the same time

b.      a mass audience is addressed

c.       per-customer costs are low

d.      the message can be adapted to the needs of each customer

Ans: The message can be adapted to the needs of each customer


40.  A salesperson that can be described as the true "sales" employee is a(n):

a.       order-getting salesperson

b.      order-taking salesperson

c.       order-filling salesperson

d.      missionary salesperson

Ans: Order getting salesperson

41.  In personal selling, which of the following is based on the assumption that each customer has a different set of wants?


a.       a trial close approach

b.      a repetitive sales presentation

c.       the need-satisfaction approach

d.      the canned sales presentation

Ans: The need satisfaction approach



42.  Which form of retail promotion is often criticized based on its use of frivolous selling points and a short-term orientation?


a.       publicity

b.      personal selling

c.       advertising

d.      sales promotion

Ans: Sales promotion

43.  The major difference between a contest and a sweepstakes is that the:


a.       sweepstakes is based upon a mail entry

b.      odds of winning are higher in a contest

c.       sweepstakes requires skill, whereas the contest is based purely on luck

d.      contest requires skill, whereas the sweepstakes is based purely on luck

Ans: contest requires skill, whereas the sweepstakes is based purely on luck

44.  Which of the following is not an advantage of coupons?


a.       In many cases, manufacturers pay for the advertising and redemption of coupons.

b.      A large percentage of coupons are redeemed by consumers.

c.       Coupons are very helpful to an ongoing advertising campaign and increase store traffic.

d.      The use of coupons increases the consumer's perception that a retailer offers good value.

Ans: A large percentage of coupons are redeemed by consumers

45.  Which method of establishing an overall promotional budget relies on previous budgets in the allocation of funds?


a.       all-you-can-afford

b.      competitive parity

c.       incremental

d.      percentage-of-sales

Ans: Incremental

46.  The sequence of steps that lead a consumer from awareness to purchase is referred to as the:


a.       vertical trend theory

b.      two-step model of communication

c.       hierarchy-of-effects model

d.      communication model

Ans: Hierarchy-of-effects model

47.  Reach refers to:


a.       the number of distinct people exposed to a retailer's promotion efforts in a specific period

b.      total circulation in all geographic areas

c.       total circulation less waste coverage

d.      the average number of times each person is exposed to a retailer's ads in a specific period

Ans: The number of distinct people exposed to a retailer’s promotion efforts in a specific period

48.  A distributed promotion effort is used by retailers who:


a.       have seasonal sales

b.      promote constantly throughout the year

c.       use cooperative advertising

d.      advertise very little around holidays and store openings

Ans: Promote constantly throughout the year

  1. A(n) _____ is a cross-functional group charged with developing a specific product or business.
  1. customer-driven team
  2. new-product department
  3. venture team
  4. stage-gate system
  5. engineering team

Ans: Venture team

  1. __ are informal workplaces where intrapreneurial teams attempt to develop new products.


a.        Stockrooms

b.      Gopher holes

c.       Penthouses

d.      Skunkworks

e.       Rats nests

Ans: Skunk works

  1. The first step in the new-product development decision process is _____.


a.         idea screening

b.         concept development

 c.        idea generation

d.         business analysis

e.         product development

Ans: Idea screening

  1. A _____ is when the company dismisses an otherwise good idea.


a.       dismiss-idea

b.      dismissal error

c.       DROP-error

d.      DROP-idea

e.       screened idea

Ans: DROP-error

  1. _____ is a method for deriving the utility values that consumers attach to varying levels of a product's attributes.


a.       Conjoint analysis

b.      Regression analysis

c.       Attribute mapping

d.      Utility analysis

e.       Product positioning map

Ans: Conjoint Analysis

  1. A powdered instant breakfast drink is at the concept testing stage. Which product dimension is being measured when researchers ask target consumers whether or not they see the product solving a problem?


a.       communicability

b.      need level

c.       gap level

d.      perceived value

e.       purchase intentions

Ans: Need level

  1. _____ is when the company tests its product with customers.
  1.             Alpha testing
  2. Beta testing
  3.             Product testing
  4. Reality check
  5. Concept testing

Ans: Beta testing

  1. A(n) _____ is any good, service, or idea that is perceived by someone as new.


a.  diffusion

b.  product

c.   invention

 d. innovation

  e. concept

Ans: Innovation

  1. _____ are technology enthusiasts; they are venturesome and enjoy tinkering with new products and mastering their intricacies.


a.       Late majority

b.            Early majority

c.             Early adopters

d.            Laggards

e.       Innovators

Ans: Innovators

  1. _____ are skeptical conservatives who are risk averse, technology shy, and price sensitive.


a.                 Late majority

b.      Early majority

c.       Laggards

d.                Early adopters

e.                 Innovators

Ans: Late majority

  1. A company treats trade shows as intelligence missions. This would be the ______ stage of the development process.

a.                 development

b.                business analysis

c.       idea generation

d.                screening and evaluation

e.                 idea screening


60.  A(n) _____ product exceeds customer expectations.

a.       Strategic

b.      Superior

c.       Augmented

d.      Anticipated

Ans: Augmented

61.  Which of the following is NOT a part of marketing communication mix?

a.      Telemarketing

b.      Public relations

c.       Sales promotion

d.      Advertising

Ans: Tele Marketing

62.  A company designs the product with little or no input from customers, the company is practicing which of the following concept?

a.      Product concept

b.      Marketing concept

c.       Selling concept

d.      Production concept

Ans: Product concept

63.  Products that are relatively inexpensive and are purchased frequently with minimal effort can be classified as ___________ products.

a.       shopping

b.      convenience

c.       industrial

d.      specialty

e.       unsought

Ans: Convenience

64.  An example of a convenience consumer product is

a.       stereo equipment.

b.      petrol.

c.       a motorcycle.

d.      a bicycle.

e.       athletic shoes.

Ans: Petrol

65.  The consumer’s estimate of the product’s overall capacity to satisfy his or her needs is called:

a.       Product Cost

b.      Product Value

c.       Product need

  1. Product Satisfaction

Ans: Product Value

66.  Aggressive selling is a characteristic of which of the following concept of marketing?

a.       Production concept

b.      Marketing concept

c.       Selling concept

  1. Product concept

Ans: Selling concept

67.  Which of the following is NOT included in product decisions?

a.       Styling

b.      Brand name

c.       Warehousing

  1. Packaging

Ans: Warehousing

68.  Market –oriented firms focus on:

a.       Retailers

b.      Distributors

c.       Customers

d.      Wholesalers

Ans: Customers

69.  A critical marketing perspective is the process of determining:

a.       the value of a product, person, or idea.

b.      how places compete with each other.

c.       the worth and impact of marketing activities.

  1. which type of promotional strategy works best.

Ans: The worth and impact of marketing activities

70.  Four competing philosophies strongly influence the role of marketing and marketing activities within an organization. Which if the following is not a component of market orientation?

a.       Customer orientation.

b.      Profitability orientation.

c.       Marketing orientation.

  1. Competitor orientation.

Ans: Profitability orientation

71.  Often, the best way to improve customer value, and beat the competition, is to be first to satisfy a need that others have not even considered.

a.       True

  1. False

Ans: True

72.  It is more costly to retain current customers by satisfying their needs, than to get new customers by taking them away from a competitor.

a.       True

  1. False

Ans: True

73.  The marketing concept means that an organization aims the majority of its efforts at satisfying customers, at a profit.

a.       True

  1. False

Ans: True

74.  The marketing concept applies to production firms, but not to service industries.

a.       True

  1. False

Ans: True

75.  _______________________ is defined as the difference between the benefits a customer sees from a market offering and the costs of obtaining those benefits.

a.      Customer value

b.      Satisfaction scale

c.       Profit margin

  1. Competitive benefit

Ans: Customer Value

76.  Marketing strategies are often designed to influence _______________ and lead to profitable exchanges.

a.      Consumer decision making

b.      Sales strategies

c.       Advertising strategies

  1. Export strategies

     Ans: Consumer decision making

77.  __________ refers to the information a consumer has stored in their memory about a product or service.

a.       Cognitive dissonance

b.      Product knowledge

c.       Product research

  1. Marketing research

Ans: Product knowledge

78.  When consumers are seeking low-involvement products, they are unlikely to engage in extensive search, so _________________ is important.

a.       Order processing

b.      Order booking

c.       Ready availability

  1. Information about warranty

Ans: Ready Availability

79.  ___________________ constitutes moderate consumer behavior, but still involves time and effort searching for and comparing alternatives.

a.      Limited decision making

b.      Need recognition

c.       Routine decision making

  1. Post purchase evaluation

Ans: Limited decision making

80.  The ________ is practiced most aggressively with unsought goods, goods that buyers normally do not think of buying, such as insurance, encyclopedias, and funeral plots.

a.       marketing concept

b.      selling concept

c.       production concept

d.      product concept

  1. holistic marketing concept
Ans: Selling concept

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