Monday, August 9, 2021

Database Management System (KMBIT04) MCQ Set 2



Q. 1. The all-or-none property is commonly known as
A : Isolation
B : Durability
C : Atomicity
D : seializability


Atomicity 2. In formal relational model, the set of indivisible values is called
A : Range
B : Domain
C : Relation
D : Tuple


Domain 3. What is the full form of DDL
A : Dynamic Data Language
B : Detailed Data Language
C : Data Definition Language
D : Data Derivation Language


Data Definition Language 4. The users who use easy-to-use menu are called
A : Sophisticated end users
B : Naïve users.
C : Stand-alone users.
D : Casual end user


Naïve users. 5. The highest level of abstraction that describes only part of the entire database
A : View Level
B : Physical Level
C : Logical Level
D : Conceptal Level


View Level 6. The core principal of NOSQL is
A : High availability
B : High concurrency
C : High Consistency
D : High Atomicity


High availability 7. Which of the following is a NoSQL Database Type?
B : Document databases
C : DB2
D : Maria DB


Document databases 8. Which one is not a NoSQl data model?
A : Client Server
B : Key Value store
C : Column store
D : Document store


Client Server 9. A collection of conceptual tool for describing data ,data relation ship ,semantics and consistency is called
A : Data Model
B : Design
C : Package
D : Program


Data Model 10. A data dictionary is a repository that manages
A : Memory
B : Metadata
C : Spell Checker
D : Data Validator



ISEE mcq questions and answers 11. Which property of a transaction that protect data from system failure
A : Isolation
B : Durability
C : Atomicity
D : serializability


Durability 12. Execution of transaction in isolation preserves the
A : Atomicity
B : Consistency
C : Durability
D : concurrency


Consistency 13. The system seeks to improve performance through parallelization of various
operations, such as loading data, building indexes and evaluating queries is

A : Distributed database
B : Parallel database
C : Client server database
D : standalone systems


Parallel database 14. The possible value associated with every attribute is called
A : Domain
B : Assertion
C : instance
D : Schema


Domain 15. The normalization form which is based on the transitive dependency is
classified as

A : Fourth normal form
B : Third normal form
C : First normal form
D : Second normal form


Third normal form 16. which DBMS distributes data processing tasks between the workstation and a
network server.

A : Network
B : Relational
C : Client Server
D : Hierarchical


Client Server 17. In SQL, which of the following is not a data definition language commands?


RENAME 18. When a transaction completes the execution of its final statement, it enters a state.
What is the name of this state?

A : Partially Committed state
B : Committed state
C : Failed state
D : Aborted State


Partially Committed state 19. How many versions of two phase locking protocol available
A : 1
B : 2
C : 3
D : 4


2 20. The lowest level of abstraction that describes how the data are actually stored is
A : Physical Level
B : Logical Level
C : View Level
D : user Level


Physical Level 21. Each higher level entity must belong to a lwer level entity
A : Total
B : Overlapping
C : Disjoint
D : partial


Total 22. We can test a given schedule for conflict serializability by constructing a
A : wait for graph
B : precedence graph
C : topological sorting
D : cyclic graph


precedence graph 23. A relation which is in a higher normal form
A : implies that it also qualifies to be in lower normal form
B : does not necessarily satisfy the conditions of lower normal form
C : is included in the lower normal form
D : is independent of lower normal forms


implies that it also qualifies to be in lower normal form 24. which NameNode is used when the Primary NameNode goes down.
A : Rack
B : Data
C : Secondary
D : primary


Secondary 25. Which of the following methods requires three phase for control concurrency
A : Timestamp Method
B : Two Phase Locking Method
C : Binary Locking Method
D : Optimistic Method


Optimistic Method 26. Point out the wrong statement
A : Secondary indices is not available in MongoDB
B : MongoDB supports search by field, range queries, regular expression searches
C : MongoDB can store the business subject in the minimal number of documents
D : MongoDB cannot store images


Secondary indices is not available in MongoDB 27. Which of the following is a disadvantage of replication?
A : Reduced network traffic
B : If the database fails at one site, a copy can be located at another site.
C : Each site must have the same storage capacity.
D : Each transaction may proceed without coordination across the network.


Each site must have the same storage capacity. 28. which one of these is not correct
A : ER is an conceptual Data model
B : we cannot create a table without a primary key
C : An attribute of an entity can have more than one value
D : DBMS avoids Data redundancy


we cannot create a table without a primary key 29. Maximum virtual memory of the launched child-task is specified using
A : mapv
B : mapred
C : mapvim
D : mapr


mapred 30. Which is essentially used to search for patterns in target string.
A : Like Predicate
B : Null Predicate
C : In Predicate
D : Out Predicate


Like Predicate 31. which command is used to interact and view Job Queue information in HDFS
A : queue
B : priority
C : disc
D : diq


queue 32. The Mapper implementation processes one line at a time via which method.
A : map
B : reduce
C : mapper
D : reducer


map 33. Supporting interquery parallelism is more complicated in
A : Shared Memory
B : shared disk
C : shared nothing
D : shared disk and shared nothing


shared disk and shared nothing 34. SQl uses which of these values to indicate the absence of information about the value
of an attribute
A : 0
B : NA
D : AB


NULL 35. which is the primary interface for a user to describe a MapReduce job to the
Hadoop framework for execution.

A : JobConfig
B : JobConf
C : JobConfiguration
D : job


JobConf 36. The technique that controls the interaction between more than one executing
transactions is known as

A : Multitasking technique
B : Serialization technique
C : Schedule technique
D : Concurrency control technique


Concurrency control technique 37. The virtual table that its created by data from the result of an SQL Select statement
is called

A : View
B : Synonym
C : Sequence
D : Transaction


View 38. When a participating site s1 decides to commit the transaction T upon receiving the message from the coordinator, it sends which message to the coordinator site.
A :
B :
C :
D :


C 39. A type of query that is placed within a WHERE or HAVING clause of another query
is called

A : Master query
B : Sub query
C : Super query
D : Multi-query


Sub query 40. Which of the following is the default Partitioner for Mapreduce?
A : MergePartitioner
B : HashedPartitioner
C : HashPartitioner
D : Hasher


HashPartitioner 41. if queries are issued at one or more nodes.a distributed transaction can be
A : fully read-only
B : partially read-only
C : fully read-write
D : partially read-write


partially read-only 42. NoSQL supports
A : Vertical scaling, simple design, low control availability
B : Vertical scaling, simple design, fine controlled availability
C : Horizontal scaling, complex design, fine controlled availability
D : Horizontal scaling, simple design, fine controlled availability.


Horizontal scaling, simple design, fine controlled availability. 43. While converting ER diagram into table for which one these are not represented in a relational database design
A : Entity with Composite Attribute
B : Entity without a primary key
C : Relationship set linking a weak entity set to its corressponding strong entity set
D : Relationship set with descriptive attribute


Relationship set linking a weak entity set to its corressponding strong entity set 44. Concurrency control is important for which of the following reasons?
A : To ensure data integrity when updates occur to the database in a multiuser environment
B : To ensure data integrity when updates occur to the database in a single-user environment
C : To ensure data integrity while reading data occurs to the database in a multiuser environment
D : To ensure data integrity while reading data occurs to the database in a single-user environment


To ensure data integrity when updates occur to the database in a multiuser environment 45. In timestamp ordering protocol, suppose that the transaction Ti issues read(X) and TS(Ti)>W-timestamp(X), then
A : Read operation is executed
B : Read operation is rejected
C : Write operation is rejected
D : Write operation is executed


Read operation is executed 46. Considering the functional dependency, the one in which removal from some
attributes must affect dependency is called

A : Transitive dependency
B : Full functional dependency
C : Partial dependency
D : Primary dependency


Full functional dependency 47. A 3 NF relation is converted to BCNF by
A : removing composite keys
B : removing multivalued dependencies
C : dependent attributes of overlapping composite keys are put in a separate
D : dependent non-key attributes are put in a separate table


dependent attributes of overlapping composite keys are put in a separate relation 48. Most NoSQL databases support automatic which of these meaning that you get high availability and disaster recovery.
A : processing
B : scalability
C : replication
D : all of the mentioned


replication 49. each book has exactly one publisher but each publisher can publish many
books.What is the relation between Book and Pubisher

A : Many to one
B : One to One
C : Many to One
D : Many to Many


Many to one 50. What command is used to removing trigger
D : truncate trigger


DROP TRIGGER Trig; 51. As companies move past the experimental phase with Hadoop, many cite the need for additional capabilities, including
A : Improved data storage and information retrieval
B : Improved extract, transform and load features for data integration
C : Improved data warehousing functionality
D : Improved security, workload management, and SQL support


Improved security, workload management, and SQL support 52. While converting ER into tables, what is done for Relationship set linking a weak
entity set to its corressponding strong entity set

A : Relationship set is not represented as a table
B : Relationship is represented as a table
C : descriptive attributes are added to relation ship set
D : Primary keys are added to the relationship set


Relationship set is not represented as a table 53. Read one, write all available protocol is used to increase
A : Availability
B : Robustness
C : Both Availability and Robustness
D : Neither Availability nor Robustness


Both Availability and Robustness 54. Let us suppose that in a distributed database, during a transaction T1, one of the
sites, say S1, is failed. When recovers, the site S1 has to check its log file (log based recovery) to decide the next move on the transaction T1. If the log contains a record, what
the site S1 has to do?

A : Need not do anything
B : Perform Undo
C : Perform Redo
D : Abort the transaction


Perform Undo 55. which serves as the master and there is only one NameNode per cluster.
A : Data Node
B : NameNode
C : Data block
D : Replication


NameNode 56. which can be used for batch processing of data and aggregation operations.
A : Hive
B : MapReduce
C : Oozie
D : None of the mentioned


MapReduce 57. for taking advantage of load balancing and data replication features over multiple
machines for storing files mogo DB can be used as

C : File system
D : None of the mentioned


AMS 58. The relation EMPDT1 is defined with attributes empcode(unique), name, street, city state, and pincode. For any pincode,there is only one city and state. Also, for any given street, city and state, there is just one pincode. In normalization terms EMPDT1 is a relation
A : 1NF only
B : 2NF and hence also in 1NF
C : 3NF and hence also in 2NF and 1NF
D : BCNF and hence also in 3NF, 2NF and 1NF


2NF and hence also in 1NF 59. What are the advantages of Replication of data in Distributed database?
A : Avaliability, Parallelism, Increased data transfer
B : Availability, Parallelism, Reduced data transfer
C : Availability, Increased parallelism, Cost of updates
D : All of the above


Availability, Parallelism, Reduced data transfer 60. Trigger is not execute when
A : Select query execute
B : Insert query execute
C : Update query execute
D : Delete query execute


Select query execute

Database Management System (KMBIT04) MCQ



Q1. A database is an organized collection of _______________.

a. data

b. Attributes

c. Record

d. None of the above


Ans. a (data)

Q2. Which of the following software is appropriate to store data about school students?

a. MS-Access

b. Writer

c. Calc

d. Impress


Ans. a. MS-Access

Q3. Which of the following is not a database programs?

a. MySQL

b. Oracle

c. Writer

d. OObase


Ans. c. Writer

Q4. __________ store data in Single table.

a. Flat File

b. Relational

c. Single File

d. One File


Ans. a. Flat File

Q5. ___________ are dedicated computers that hold the actual databases and run only DBMS and related Software.

a. Main Server

b. Web Server

c. Database Server

d. Non Database Server


Ans. c. Database Server

Q6. GUI act as front end and database server act as _____

a. Container

b. Back End

c. End

d. None of the above


Ans. b. Back End

Q7. Duplication of data is called _________.

a. Inconsistency

b. Consistency

c. Redundancy

d. Foreign Key


Ans. c. Redundancy

Q8. Which of the following is not the advantage of database?

a. Sharing of Data

b. Reduce Data Redundancy

c. Increase Data Inconsistency

d. Data Security


Ans. c. Increase Data Inconsistency

Q9. Data Integrity means that data is accurate and consistent in the database.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. a. True

Q10. A database can have only one table.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. b. False


Q11. Which of the following will help to maintain unique record in the table?

a. Foreign Key

b. Primary Key

c. Composite Key

d. Alternate Key


Ans. b. Primary Key

Q12. Which of the following field of table “Book” can act as primary key?

a. Book_number

b. Subject

c. price

d. Author_name


Ans. a. Book_number

Q13. When primary key is made up of two or more columns then it is called __ primary key.

a. Mixed

b. Reference

c. Composite

d. Compost


Ans. c. Composite

Q14. Duplicate values can be entered in primary key.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. False

Q15. A key which is referring to the primary key of another table is called _______

a. Alternate Key

b. Primary Key

c. First Primary Key

d. Foreign Key


Ans. d. Foreign Key

Q16. A field which is ______ for each and every record is called Primary key.

a. Common

b. Same

c. Unique

d. None of the above


Ans. c. Unique

Q17. When data is stored, maintained and retrieved from multiple tables then special database software are required called ______



c. Special DBMS

d. All of the above


Ans. b. RDBMS

Q18. Identify the Foreign Key from table “Sales”

Table Client:
ClientID (primary Key)

Table : Sales
SalesID (Primary Key)

a. SalesID

b. Profit

c. Clientphone

d. ClientID


Ans. d. ClientID

Q19. Which of the following is not valid field of table “Student”

a. admno

c. fees

d. salary


Ans. d. salary

Q20. There can be multiple primary key in a table.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. False

Q21. In RDBMS, data is organized in the form of __________________

a. Table

b. Record

c. Field

d. None of the above


Ans. a. Table

Q22. SQL stands for _________________

a. Structured Queue Language

b. Structured Query Language

c. Structured Query Lang

d. None of the above


Ans. b. Structured Query Language

Q23. All the values in ________ are of same type.

a. Records

b. Table

c. Database

d. Fields


Ans. d. Fields

Q24. ___________ represent a single data item in a table.

a. Tuples

b. Attributes

c. Relation

d. All of the above


Ans. a. Tuples

Q25. In tables, data is organized in the form of rows and columns.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. True

Q26. Every row in a table has the same structure.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. True

Q27. Open Office base is not an open source software.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. False

Q28. _______________ are the basic building blocks of a database.

a. Tables

b. Record

c. Fields

d. All of the above


Ans. a. Tables

Q29. We can create table :

a. in design view

b. use Wizard

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above


Ans. c. Both of the above

Q30. By default data type of fields is.

a. Text[Varchar]

b. Text[Char]

c. Int

d. Long


Ans. a. Text[Varchar]

Q31. Base automatically adds the column as Primary Key if we don’t add.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. True

Q32. By default the length of Varchar data type is __

a. 20

b. 30

c. 40

d. 50


Ans d. 50

Q33. By default the name of the table is ______

a. Tab 1

b. Table 1

c. First Table

d. Untitled 1


Ans b. Table 1

Q34. __________ are used to identify which type of data we are going to store in the database.

a. Datatype

b. Record

c. Table

d. Attributes


Ans. a. Datatype

Q35. Which data type will be appropriate to store information as Salary, Fees, Price etc

b. Alphanumeric Data types

a. Numeric Data type

c. Binary Data types

d. Date Time


Ans a. Numeric Data type

Q36. Which of the following is not a numeric data type?

a. Tinyint

b. Smallint

c. Boolean

d. Date


Ans d. Date

Q37. Which of the following data types can not store decimal values?

a. Decimal

b. Real

c. Numeric

d. Boolean


Ans d. Boolean

Q38. Which of the following will occupy more space in computer memory?

a. Bigint

b. Integer

c. Smallint

d. Boolean


Ans a. Bigint

Q39. _______ data types are used for storing photos, music files etc

a. Binary

b. Alphanumeric

c. Numeric

d. Special


Ans a. Binary

Q40. Char is a ______ length data type and varchar is a ______ length data type.

a. Fixed, Variable

b. Variable, Fixed

c. Variable, Variable

d. Fixed, Fixed


Ans. a. Fixed, Variable

Q41. Which field is suitable for storing records of employees?

a. EmpNo

b. Empname

c. Salary

d. All of the above


Ans. d. All of the above

Q42. Auto Value is a property of __ data type .

a. Numeric

b. Character

c. Binary

d. Date


Ans. a. Numeric

Q43. Which of the following property help to set the number of characters in Varchar type.

a. Auto value

b. Required

c. Default Value

d. Length


Ans. d. Length

Q44. Which property ensures that field can not be left blank?

a. Entry required

b. Format

c. Required Entry

d. Required


Ans. a. Entry required

Q45. By default the length of the Integer data type is ______________

a. 10

b. 15

c. 20

d. 25


Ans. a. 10

Q46. Which of the following property to be turned “yes” so that value will be auto incremented?

a. Default

b. Format

c. Auto value

d. Length


Ans. c. Auto value

Q47. Which of the following is not the binary data types?

a. Longvarbinary

b. Varbinary

c. Binary

d. Charbinary


Ans. d. Charbinary

Q48. Which of the following is not the date time data types?

a. Date

b. Time

c. Datestamp

d. Timestamp


Ans. c. Datestamp

Q49. Which data type is used to store value of fields like “Date of Birth”?

a. Date Time

b. Varchar

c. Integer

d. Other


Ans. a. Date Time

Q50. A record in table is also known as Attribute.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. b. False

Q51. We can ____________________ data in table.

a. modify

b. insert

c. delete

d. all of the above


Ans. d. all of the above

Q52. In which view data can be entered in table?

a. Datasheet view

b. Design view

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above


Ans. a. Datasheet view

Q53. In which mode we can change the structure of table?

a. Datasheet view

b. Design view

c. Structure view

d. All of the above


Ans. b. Design view

Q54. After inserting records in table, we can not modify the structure of table.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. b. False

Q55. Sorting means to arrange data in _______________ order.

a. increasing

b. decreasing

c. increasing or decreasing

d. None of the above


Ans. c. increasing or decreasing

Q56. Referential Integrity is used to maintain accuracy and consistency of data in a relationship.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. a. True

Q57. In Base data can be linked between two or more tables with the help of _________________

a. primary key

b. foreign key

c. primary and foreign key

d. None of the above


Ans. c. primary and foreign key

Q58. Relationship can be created between

a. two tables only

b. one table only

c. two or more tables

d. none of the above


Ans. c. two or more tables

Q59. Relationship between tables can be created from _____________________ menu.

a. View

b. Insert

c. Windows

d. Tools


Ans. d. Tools

Q60. There are __________________ types of relationship which can be created between tables.

a. three

b. two

c. four

d. infinite


Ans. a. three

Q61. Which language help to extract/fetch data from table?

a. MySQL

b. Python

c. OOBase



Ans. a. MySQL

Q62. We can create query (in Open Office Base) in _______________________

a. In design view

b. Using wizard

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above


Ans. c. Both of the above

Q63. Queries are commands that are used to define the structure and modify the data in a table.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. a. True

Q64. We can not delete the data using queries.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. b. False

Q65. SQL stands for __________________

a. Structural Query Language

b. Structured Query Language

c. Skeletal Query Language

d. None of the above


Ans. a. Structural Query Language

Q66. ___________ statement is used to retrieve data from table.

a. Delete

b. Update

c. Print

d. Select


Ans. d. Select

Q67. ____________ is the most common DML command.

a. Delete

b. Update

c. Select

d. All of the above


Ans. c. Select

Q68. DML stands for ____________

a. Data Manipulation Language

b. Database Manipulation Language

c. Data Modify Language

d. None of the above


Ans. a. Data Manipulation Language

Q69. Which of the following clause return specific rows?

a. Order By

b. Where

c. Having

d. Specific


Ans. b. Where

Q70. Which of the following clause return records in ascending order?

a. Order By

b. Where

c. Order Asc

d. Order Inc


Ans. a. Order By

Q71. Command to display all the data in the table “emp” is.

a. Select * from emp

b. Select * from emp;

c. Select all from emp

d. Select all from emp;


Ans. b. Select * from emp;

Q72. Which command is used to create table?

a. Select

b. Create

c. Open

d. New


Ans. b. Create

Q73. Shortcut to execute query in Create Query in SQL View is __

a. F7 Key

b. F5 Key

c. F8 Key

d. F6 Key


Ans. b. F5 Key

Q74. Which command is used to display the salary of all the employees after incrementing by 1000.

a. Select

b. Update

c. Modify

d. Change


Ans. a. Select

Q75. Select “salary” from emp;

a. will display all the records of table emp

b. will display only particular columns of table emp;

c. will display only salary column of table emp;

d. None of the above


Ans. c. will display only salary column of table emp;

Q76. Select “empname”, “salary” * 3 from emp;

a. will increase the salary three times of all employees in table

b. display name and three times salary

c. give error

d. None of the above


Ans. b. display name and three times salary

Q77. To get details about the list of students whose favorite color is blue. Query for this is :

a. select all from Stud where fav_Color=’Blue’;

b. select name from Stud where fav_Color=’Blue’;

c. select * from Stud where fav_Color=’Blue’;

d. select all from Stud where fav_Color is ’Blue’;


Ans. c. select * from Stud where fav_Color=’Blue’;

Q78. select * from Stud order by “Rollno” ASC;

a. display all the records of table.

b. display records in increasing order of roll number.

c. both of the above

d. none of the above


Ans. b. display records in increasing order of roll number.

Q79. Which command is used to modify data in table?

a. delete

b. select

c. modify

d. update


Ans. d. update

Q80. Which command is used to delete data from table?

a. select

b. delete

c. insert

d. remove


Ans. b. delete

Q81. Update statement is used to modify data in a table.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. a. True

Q82. Command to increase the salary of all employees by 15000.(table name emp and column name sal)

a. update emp set sal = sal + 15000;

b. update emp set sal = 15000;

c. update set sal = sal + 15000;

d. None of the above


Ans. a. update emp set sal = sal + 15000;

Q83. By default data is arranged in _____ order using order by clause.

a. Ascending

b. Descending

c. Primary Key

d. None of the above


Ans. a. Ascending

Q84. Which of the following is DML commands?

a. Insert

b. Update

c. Delete

d. All of the above


Ans. d. All of the above

Q85. A ________ provides a systematic way of storing information into the database.

a. Report

b. Query

c. Form

d. None of the above


Ans. c. Form

Q86. Which of the following act as an interface to view, enter and change data in database?

a. Report

b. Table

c. Query

d. Form


Ans. d. Form

Q87. A _____________ helps to display the data in a summarized data.

a. Report

b. Form

c. Query

d. None of the above


Ans. a. Report

Q88. A _______ helps to collect specific information from the pool of data.

a. Query

b. Report

c. Form

d. None of the above


Ans. a. Query

Q89. Which of the following is to be created first?

a. Report

b. Query

c. Form

d. Table


Ans. Table

Q90. Which of the following field is invalid for storing information of “Library” Table?

a. Cost

b. Booknumber

c. Authorname

d. Dateofbirth


Ans. d. Dateofbirth


Q91. Which of the following is suitable to act as a primary key in table student?

a. Rollno

b. Name

c. Class

d. Section


Ans. a. Rollno

Q92. A foreign key is a reference of the ________ key in another table.

a. Alternate

b. Primary

c. Candidate

d. None of the above


Ans. b. Primary

Q93. A table is a collection of logically related data.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. a. True

Q94. _______ tables can be created in a database.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. More than 3


Ans. d. More than 3

Q95. In primary key we can enter NULL values.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. b. False

Q96. Only numeric fields can act as a primary key in a table.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. b. False

Q97. Primary key increases data redundancy.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. b. False

Q98. In a table we can have only ______ primary key.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. more than 3


Ans. a. 1

Q99. A foreign key is a primary key in other table.(T/F)

a. True

b. False

Ans. a. True

Q100. Duplicate values can be entered in Foreign key.(T/F)

a. True

b. False


Ans. a. True


NEET College Predictor 2023

EET College Predictor 2023 NEET college predictor is a tool to assist medical aspirants in predicting top medical colleges based on their NE...