Wednesday, July 28, 2021



1.     An individual who starts, creates and manages a new business can be called

A.   A leader

B.  A manager

C.  A professional

D.   An entrepreneur

Ans: An Entrepreneur


2.  In stage of responsibility allocation process the entrepreneur follows:


High centralized decision making process


Highly decentralized decision making process


Somewhat centralized decision making process


No particular standards


Ans: High Centralized decision making process




3.  Which could provide an individual with the motivation to start a new business venture?

A.   The financial rewards.

B.  A desire to be independent.

C.  Risk taking

D.   All the above.

Ans: All the above


4.  Which of the following factors should not be included in PESTLE analysis?

A.   Government re-cycling policy.

B.  Proposed reduction in interest rates.

C.  Competitor activity.

D.   Demographic changes.

Ans: Competitor Activity


5.  Having more than 50% ownership position that provides the entrepreneur with managerial control is called


Joint venture


Majority interest


Horizontal merger


Diversified activity merger

Ans: Majority Interest






6.  Which industrial sector promotes small-scale businesses and Entrepreneurship, and has lower barriers to market entry?

A.   Service.

B.  Manufacturing.

C.  Distribution.

D.   Agriculture.

Ans: Service

7.  Why are small businesses important to a country's economy?

A.   They give an outlet for entrepreneurs.

B.  They can provide specialist support to larger companies.

C.  They can be innovators of new products.

D.   All the above.



Ans: All the above



8.  A business arrangement where one party allows another party to use a business name and sell its products or services is known as                         .

A.   A cooperative.

B.  A franchise.

C.  An owner-manager business.

D.   A limited company.

Ans: A Franchise


9.  The specific job of Entrepreneurship in business enterprise is to make today's business capable of making the future, to enable today's already existing business to remain existing and to remain successful in the future. Who said?


Peter F. Drucker


Henri Fayol


Marshall and Robinson


Peter Kilby

Ans: Peter F. Drucker


10.              Which of the following is the reason for business failure                     .

A.   Lack of market research.

B.  Poor financial control.

C.  Poor management.

D.   All the above.

         Ans: All the above


11.  Good sources of information for an entrepreneur about competitors can be obtained from       .

A.   Websites.

B.  Product information leaflets.

C.  Company reports and published accounts.

D.   All the above.

Ans: All the above

12.  A new venture's business plan is important because              .

A.   It helps to persuade others to commit funding to the venture.

B.  Can help demonstrate the viability of the venture.

C.  Provides a guide for business activities by defining objectives.

D.   All the above.

         Ans: All the above


13.  Primary data is                 .

A.   The most important data.

B.   The data that is collected first.

C.   New data specifically collected for a project.

D.   Data that is collected second.

Ans: New data specifically collected for a project

14.  Innovation can best be defined as              .

A.   The generation of new ideas.

B.  The evolution of new ideas.

C.  The opposite of creativity.

D.   The successful exploitation of new ideas.

Ans: The successful exploitation of new ideas.


15.  Which of these statements best describes the context for entrepreneurship?

A.   Entrepreneurship takes place in small businesses.

B.  Entrepreneurship takes place in large businesses.

C.  Entrepreneurship takes place in a wide variety of contexts.

D.   Entrepreneurship does not take place in social enterprises.

          Ans: Entrepreneurship takes place in a wide variety of contexts.


16.  Entrepreneurs are motivated by                   .

A.   Money.

B.  Personal values.

C.  Pull influences.

D.   All the above.

Ans: All the above


17.  Which of the following is least likely to influence the timing of new business births?

A.   Government policies.

B.  Profitability.

C.  Consumer expenditure.

D.   Weather conditions.

Ans: Weather conditions


18.  Which of the following statements is false?

A.   Market segmentation is a useful process for small businesses to undertake.

B.  Selling is essentially a matching process.

C.  A benefit is the value of a product feature to a customer.

D.   It is a good idea for small businesses to compete solely on price.

Ans: It is a good idea for small businesses to compete solely on price

19.                       The purpose of all good small business strategy is            

A.    To increase turnover.

B.     To increase profitability.

C.     To achieve competitive advantage.

D.    To achieve stated objectives.  

Ans: To achieve stated objectives  


20.                    The entrepreneur's ___________ depends on his perception of the opportunity


Commitment to opportunity


Commitment of resources


Control of resources


Strategic orientation.

Ans: Strategic Orientation



21.     Which of the following is a recognized disadvantage of setting up as a start-up as compared with other routes to market entry?

A.      Less satisfaction of the owners.

B.       Less help from various agencies.

C.       There are more funds required.

D.       There is a high failure rate.

         Ans:  There is a high failure  rate


22.     Someone legally appointed to resolve the financial difficulties of an insolvent firm is called          .

A.      An administrator.

B.       A predator.

C.       An auditor.

D.       A turnaround consultant.

Ans: An administrator


23.     Goods or services reach the market place through                  .

A.      Marketing channels.

B.       Multilevel pyramids.

C.       Monopolies.

D.      Multiplication.

Ans: Marketing channel

24.  Entrepreneurial endeavors consist of all of the following key elements. Except.


New business venturing


Increasing productivity





Ans: Increasing productivity

25.     To provide financial assistance to entrepreneurs the government has set up a number of      .

A.      Financial advisors.

B.       Financial intermediaries.

C.       Industrial estates.

D.      Financial institutions.

Ans: Financial Institutions

26.     State Industrial corporations engage in the development of                    .

A.      Industrial estates.

B.       Institutional estates.

C.       Individual investors.

D.      Agricultural entrepreneurs.

Ans: Industrial estates

27.                      is the first development bank of the country.

A.      ICICI.

B.       IDBI.

C.       SFC.

D.       IFCI.


28.     IFCI stands for                         .

A.      Industrial Finance Corporation of India.

B.       Institutional Finance Corporation of India.

C.       Industrial funding corporation of India.

D.       Indian Finance Corporation and institution.



Ans: Industrial Finance Corporation of India.


29.     IFCI has been converted into a                .

A.          Joint stock company.

B.           Co-operative society.

C.           Partnership firm.

D.          Sole proprietorship.

Ans: Joint stock company

30.     SIDBI was set up as a subsidiary of                  .

A.          IDBI.

B.           IFCI.

C.           ICICI.

D.           SFC.


31.     Which of the following is a function of SIDBI?

A.          Extension of seed capital.

B.           Discounting of bills.

C.           Providing factoring services.

D.          All of the above.

Ans: All of the above

32.     SFC is prohibited from granting financial assistance to any company whose aggregate paid up capital exceed                       .

A.          1 crore.

B.           1.5 crores.

C.           2 crores.

D.          2.5 crores.

Ans: 1 crores

33.     SIPCOT's financial assistance is in the form of                      .

A.          Term loan.

B.           Seed capital scheme.

C.           Underwriting the capital issues.

D.          All of the above.

Ans: All of the above

34.  Which of the following is alternatively called corporate venturing?






Act of stating a news venture


Offering new products by an existing company


S: Intrapreneurship

35.     The business development department of SIPCOT guides entrepreneurs in              .

A.          Applying for licenses.

B.           Approval on collaboration.

C.           Allocation of scarce raw materials.

D.          All the above.

Ans: All the above

36.           TIIC is sponsored by the    .

A.             Government of Karnataka.

B.             Government of Andhra Pradesh.

C.             Government of Kerala.

D.             Government of Tamil Nadu.


Ans: Government of Tamil Nadu



37.        In backward areas, term loans for expansion or setting up a new unit are available at


A.    Concessional terms.

B.     Differential terms.

C.     Standard terms.

D.    Specific terms.

           Ans: Concessional terms

38.     Which is not the object of 'Entrepreneurial Development Programmes'?


To create awareness about government schemes and programmes


To create a successful Entrepreneur


To remove doubts of Entrepreneurs and to give solution to their problem


None of the above

Ans: None of the Above

39.     A commercial banker would prefer a                           debt-equity ratio over the years as it indicates financial strength of a unit.

A.    Declining.

B.     Increasing.

C.     Stable.

D.     Fluctuating.

Ans: Declining

40    EDPs course contents contains                        .

A.    General introduction to entrepreneurs.

B.     Motivation training.

C.     Managerial skills.

D.    All the above.

       Ans: All the above

41. Entrepreneurial Guidance Bureau(EGB) was set up by                        .

A.    SISI.

B.     SIPCOT.

C.     IIC.

D.    SIDCO.


42    Large investment is made in fixed assets, the project will be termed as                       .

A.    Capital Intensive.

B.     Labour Intensive.

C.     Product Intensive.

D.    Market Intensive.


Ans: Capital Intensive

43    In which of the following situation the company is considered to be on breakeven point?


No Profit no loss


Profits are higher than expenses


Expenses are higher then profits


None of the given options

Ans: No Profit no Loss

44                                 is a form of financing especially for funding high technology, high risk and perceived high reward projects

A.    Fixed capital.

B.     Current capital.

C.     Seed capital.

D.    Venture capital.

     Ans: Venture Capital


45    The term                        denotes bonus or financial aid which is given by a government to an industry to help it compete with other units

A.    Incentive.

B.     Subsidy.

C.     Bounty.

D.    Concession.

       Ans: Bounty

46.  A person who managed large project was termed as the entrepreneur in the _______


Earliest period


Middle ages


17th century


19th and 20th century


 Middle ages

47.  He granting of cash subsidy on the capital investment is called                     .

A.    Concessional finance.

B.     Quantum of Subsidy.

C.     Interest Subsidy.

D.    Central Investment Subsidy.

Ans: Central Investment

48.  New Small Scale industries are exempted from the payment of income tax under section 80J is called       

A. Development Rebate..

B. Investment Allowance.

C.  Rehabilitation Allowance.

D.  Tax Holiday

Ans: Investment Allowance

49.                           is primarily concerned with the identification of the project demand potential and the selection of the optimal technology.

A. Techno-economic analysis.

B.  Feasibility analysis.

C.  Input analysis.

D.  Financial analysis.

Ans: Techno-economic Analysis

50.        In some countries, point of purchase displays are not allowed in retail stores. Such differences are studied by international entrepreneurs under __________.


Economic Environment


Political Environment


Cultural Environment


Technological Environment


Ans: Cultural Environment

51.  Decisions taken by an entrepreneur on behalf of his enterprise are known as                    .

A.    Organizational decisions.

B.  Personal decisions.

C.  Routine decisions.

D.  Strategic decisions

Ans: Organizational Decisions


52.  Decisions which are concerned with policy matters and exercise fundamental influence on the objectives of the organization are called as                               .

A.    Organizational decisions.

B.  Personal decisions.

C.  Routine decisions.

D.  Strategic decisions.


Ans: Strategic Decisions

53.                                       is a problem -solving technique designed to produce numerous ideas in a short period

A.    Synectics.

B.  Delphi technique.

C.  Brain storming.

D.  Nominal group technique.

Ans: Brain storming

54.  .                                      is the systematic development of a project idea for the eventual purpose of arriving at an investment decision.

A.  Project identification.

B.  Project formulation.

C.  Project feasibility.

D.  Project evaluation.

Ans: Project Formulation

55.        "An Entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity." Who said?


M. S. Robert


Peter F. Drucker


C. J. Wex


J. R. Tulsian


Ans: Peter F. Drucker


56.  The process of preparing an inventory of skills needed for effective implementation of the project is called as                                .

A. Economic viability.

B.  Financial feasibility.

C.  Technical feasibility.

D.  Managerial competence.

Ans: Managerial competence

57.                                     implies the availability or otherwise of plant and machinery and technical know how to produce the product.

A. Economic viability.

B.  Financial feasibility.

C.  Technical feasibility.

D.   Managerial competence

Ans: Technical Feasibility

58.                                 is granted to small scale units under section 33B of the Income tax act, 1961.

A. Depreciation Allowance.

B.  Development Debate.

C.  Investment Allowance.

D.  Rehabilitation Allowance.


Ans: Rehabilitation Allowance


59.        Entrepreneurs are concerned about basic issues of


Sales, costs and benefits


Customers, sales and costs


Risk, costs and benefits


None of the above


: Sales, costs and benefits

60.  DGTD stands for                     .

A. Directorate General of Technical Development.

B.  District General of Technical Development.

C.  District General of Taxation Deduction.

D.  Directorate General of Taxation Deduction.

Ans: Directorate General of Technical Development

61.  A provisional SSI registration certificate is valid for a period of                    _.

A.    Four Years.

B.  Three Years.

C.  Two Years.

D.  One year.

Ans: One Year

62.  National Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (NAYE) Sponsored an Entrepreneurial Development scheme with Bank of India in     .

A.    January 1920.

B.  August 1920.

C.  January 1972.

D.  August 1972.

Ans: August 1972

63.  The 'T' in a PESTLE analysis refers to                        .

A. Time.

B.  Technology.

C.  Training.

D.  Talent.

Ans: Training

64.  A business arrangement where one party allows another party to use a business Name and sell its products or services is known as                                .

A.    A cooperative.

B.  A franchise.

C.  An owner-manager business.

D.  A limited company.

Ans: A franchise

65.     Which of the following is a measure taken for revival of sick SSI


Margin money scheme


Reservation of items


Export promotion


Tax Holiday

Ans: Export Promotion

66.  What is the role of a Business Angel?

A.    To provide small business advice.

B. To provide capital for business development in exchange for a stake in the Business ownership.

C.  To set up a franchise business.

D.  To assist an entrepreneur to open a lifestyle business.


Ans: To provide capital for business development in exchange for a stake in the business ownership



67.        Which one of the following best represents the environment of an entrepreneurial oriented organization?


Corporate culture


Entrepreneurial culture


Intrapreneurial culture


Traditional culture





: Entrepreneurial Culture



68.  A key aspect of the financial section of the business plan is                    .

A.    A statement of management skills.

B.  A realistic sales forecast.

C.  Production capacity.

D.   A description of competitors.

Ans: A realistic sales forecast

69.  Which one of the following describes unemployment?

A. The number of people who voluntarily choose not to work.

B.  The number of people who are jobless and are actively seeking work.

C.  The number of people who are not actively seeking work.

D.  The number of people actively seeking work who find work.

Ans: The number of people who are jobless and are actively seeking work

70.        Which is the form of 'Entrepreneurship Development Programme'?


Psychological form


Social form


Economic form


All of the above



: All of the above

71.  Idea of new product is tested in potential consumers to determine consumer acceptance at


A. Concept.

B.  Product development.

C.  Test marketing.

D.  Commercialization.

Ans: Test marketing

72.  Which one of the following is not considered as one of the building blocks of the model entrepreneur?

A. Technical skills.

B.  Management competencies.

C.  Business awareness.

D.  Personal attributes.

Ans: Business awareness

73.  An entrepreneur who owns more than one business at a time is called                  .

A. An intrapreneur.

B.  A corporate entrepreneur.

C.  A portfolio entrepreneur.

D.  None of the above.

Ans: A portfolio entrepreneur

74.  Industries producing complete articles for direct consumption & also processing industries is called as   .

A.    Manufacturing industries.

B.  Feeder Industries.

C.  Service Industries.

D.  Mining or Quarrying.

Ans: Manufacturing industries


75.                             is primarily concerned with the identification, qualification and evaluation of the project resources.

A.  Techno-economic analysis.

B.  Feasibility analysis.

C.  Input analysis.

D.  Financial analysis.

Ans: Feasibility analysis

76.  New entrepreneurs entering the field of medium industry for the first time can have market studies with the subsidiary of                                   .

A. 75% of the cost or Rs.15000 whichever is less.

B.  75% of the cost or Rs.15000 whichever is high

C.  50% of the cost or Rs.15000 whichever is less.

D.  50% of the cost or Rs.15000 whichever is high

Ans: 75% of the cost or Rs. 15000 whichever is less.

77.  The application for registration of a small scale unit should be submitted to the                 .

A. General Manager, DIC.

B.  Director, DIC.

C.  General Manager. NSIC.

D.  Director, NSIC.

Ans: General Manager, DIC

78.  Which of the following is not an aspect of appraisal of term loans by commercial banks?

A. Financial feasibility.

B.  Technical feasibility.

C.  Economic feasibility.

D.   Societal feasibility.

Ans: Societal Feasibility

79.  District Industries Centres are located                         .

A.    In each district.

B.  In each state.

C.  Only in selected districts.

D.  Only in selected states.

Ans: In each district

80.  The purpose of soft loan scheme is to encourage units to undertake                        .

A. Modernization of plant and machinery.

B.  Replacement of plant and machinery.

C.  Renovation of plant and machinery.

D.  all the above

Ans: All the above

81.  Seed capital assistance _                    .

A. A long-term assistance.

B.  initial assistance

C.  A help for the purchase of seeds.

D.  A short-term assistance.

Ans: Initial assistance

82.  EXIM bank is a                     .

A. State-level institution.

B.  Regional -level institution.

C.  All India institution.

D.  International institution.

Ans: All India Institution


83.      DIC is headed by General Manager in the rank of                       .

A. Joint Director of industries.

B.  Assistant Director of industries.

C.  Non-departmental officer.

D.  Departmental officer.

Ans: Joint Director of Industries

84.      Institutional agencies grant financial assistance to small scale industries for                    .

A. Participation in equity capital only.

B.  Acquisition of fixed assets.

C.  Working capital assistance.

D.   All of the above.

Ans: All of the above

85.      Under section 80J of the income tax act, 1961, small-scale industries are exempted from the payment of income tax on their profits at                             .

A. 6% p.a.

B.  6% p.m.

C.  5% p.a.

D.  5% p.a.

                Ans: 6% p.a

86.      The policy which stressed the role of cottage and small-scale industries for balanced industrial development of the country is                       .

A. IPR 1940.

B.  IPR 1948.

C.  IPR 1956.

D.  IPR 1977.

Ans: IPR 1948

87.      The policy which emphasized the need of promoting small-scale industries through integrated industrial development is                          .

A. IPR 1948.

B.  IPR 1956.

C.  IPR 1977.

D.  IPR 1980.

Ans: IPR 1977

88.      The small scale unit wishing to export has to obtain exporters code number from


A. The Reserve Bank of India.

B.  The Central Bank of India.

C.  Any Regional Bank.

D.  Any International Bank.

Ans: The Reserve Bank of India

89.      The expenses incurred on the setting up of the enterprise are called as                    .

A.    Cost of financing.

B.  Cost of promotion..

C.  Cost of fixed assets.

D.  Cost of current assets.

Ans: Costs of promotion

90.      Reserve bank of India is a/an               .

A.    Statutory Corporation.

B.  Company limited by guarantee.

C.  Company limited by shares.

D.  Unlimited company.


Ans: Statutory Corporation


91.      The oldest form of business organization is              .

A. Partnership.

B.  Sole proprietorship.

C.  Joint stock company.

D.  Co-operative undertaking.

Ans: Sole Proprietorship

92.      Which of the following is a characteristic typical of                    ?Most entrepreneurs

A.    Choose high risk ventures.

B.  Choose low risk ventures.

C.  Choose moderate (or calculated) risk ventures.

D.  Choose no risk ventures.

Ans: Choose moderate (or calculated) risk ventures.

93.      The UK government has implemented a number of policies to encourage Entrepreneurship in schools. One such initiative is                      _

A.  Young Enterprise.

B.  Youth venture.

C.  Young Business.

D.  Young Initiative.

Ans: Young Enterprise

94.      One of the disadvantages of a franchise business for a franchisee is                 .

A. Lack of independence.

B.  Franchise businesses typically have a high failure rate.

C.  Lack of brand identity.

D.  Training is not normally provided by the franchisor.

Ans: Lack of independence

95.      The Markets and Competitors section of a business plan should contain                          .

A. A statement of the target market.

B.  The size of each market segment.

C.  The key characteristics of buyers in each business segment.

D.  All the above.

Ans: All the above

96.      As a new company grows, the entrepreneur will need to                   .

A. Be responsive to changes in the market.

B.  Ensure financial controls are maintained.

C.  Build a management team.

D.   All the above.

        Ans: All the above

97.      An entrepreneur into the hosiery business found out the reason his hosiery was not selling was due to its color. What could be the best source of this information?

A. Supplier.

B.  Retailer.

C.  Competition.

D.  Government bureau.

Ans: Retailer

98.      Entrepreneurship can best be described as                   .

A. A process that requires setting up a business.

B.  Taking a significant risk in a business context.

C.  Having a strong vision.

D.  A process involving innovation, new products or services, and value creation.

Ans: A process involving innovation, new products or services, and value creation.


99.      One of the disadvantages of a franchise business for a franchisee is                 .

A. Lack of independence.

B.  Franchise businesses typically have a high failure rate.

C.  Lack of brand identity.

D.  Training is not normally provided by the franchisor.

Ans: Lack of independence

100.  The Markets and Competitors section of a business plan should contain                          .

A. A statement of the target market.

B.  The size of each market segment.

C.  The key characteristics of buyers in each business segment.

D.  All the above.

         Ans: All the above

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