Saturday, July 24, 2021




1____________refers to those products that are not promoted on a large scale

a.       Specialties

b.      Convenience items

c.       Core products

d.      Staples

Ans: Staples

2          If the total cash inflow is higher than the total cash outflow the project is said to be

a.       Non profitable

b.      Controllable

c.       Profitable

d.      Rejected

Ans: Profitable

3____________is a averaging in which the current change in demand are adjusted by taking a smoothing constrict for the current change in the demand

a.       Exponential smoothing

b.      Time series

c.       Moving average

d.      Sales force composite

Ans: Exponential Smoothing

4          Whiach one of the following is not a step involved in determine the financial feasibility of project

a.       Estimation of a cost of a project

b.      Estimation of working capital requirements

c.       Estimation of cash flow

d.      Assessment of risk

Ans: Assessment of Risk

5          FMC stands for

A.    Feasible normal capacity

B.     Flexible normal capacity

C.     Flow  normal capacity

D.    Fixed normal capacity

Ans: Feasible Normal Capacity

6          Which one of the following is not a decision taken during product line analysis

a.       Build

b.      Maintain

c.       Harvest

d.      Invest

Ans: Invest

7          Which one of the following is not a quantitative method of demand forecasting

a.       Sales force composite

b.      Naïve approach

c.       Moving average

d.      Exponential smoothing

Ans:  Sales force composite

8________________refers to a structured and systematic technique in which a panel of experts identified

a.       Consumer market survey

b.      Delphi method

c.       Sale force composite

d.      Executive opinion

Ans: Delphi Method

9          which one of the following is not a factor that affects the collection of market information

a.       Culture diversity

b.      Geographical location

c.       Government policy

d.      Default questionnaire

Ans: Government Policy

10        which one of the following is not an advantage of primary source of market information

a.       Original in nature

b.      Current facts and findings

c.       Non ambiguous in nature

d.      Less time consuming

Ans: Less Time Consuming

11        which one of the following is not an aspect that needs to be determined in market analysis

a.       Market size

b.      Investment cost

c.       Channel of distribution

d.      Market profitability

Ans: Investment Cost

12 _________refers to the standard task duration determined at the time of project planning

a.       Estimated time duration

b.      Actual time duration

c.       Minimum time duration

d.      Maximum time duration


 Ans: Estimated Time Duration

13 ________is also known as definitive estimate or micro project estimated

a.       Bottom up estimated approach

b.      Top down estimated approach

c.       Bottom down estimated approach

d.      Top up estimated approach

Ans: Bottom up estimated Approach

14        which one of the following is the hierarchical arrangement of all sub tasks or activities of project

a.       PSS

b.      SSP

c.       SPS

d.      PSP

Ans: PSP

15        which of the following refers to the senior most members of the governance board

a.       Project manger

b.      Program manager

c.       Project team leader

d.      Project sponsor  

Ans: Project sponsor

16        which stage of the project team development process arrives to bring harmony conviction, and respect among the team members

a.       Norming

b.      Performing

c.       Forming

d.      Adjourning

Ans: Norming

17        which one of the following is not an objective of the work breakdown structured

a.       Divide the major project deliverables into smaller and more specific components

b.      Provides personal information about the members of the project team

c.       Develop a framework that ensue the accurate calculation of the actual cost of deliverables

d.      Ensure accurate performance measurement and control

Ans:  Provides personal information about the members of the project team

18        which one of the following estimation methods is not used for technology based projects

a.       NGT

b.      COCOMO

c.       PROBE

d.      PERT

Ans: NGT

19. Performing stage (production) is the _____________stage of team development

a.       Second

b.      Third

c.       Forth

d.      Fifth

Ans: Forth

20. Wwhich one of the following met god of estimation establishes a relationship between the input and output of the project

a.       Decomposition

b.      Analogy

c.       Experts opinion

d.      Estimating equation

Ans:  Estimating Equation

21        according to, _____________the stakeholder are manger who have got the organizational authority of allocation of resources and setting of priorities for their own organization is supported of change. They are the people who are responsible for making or breaking a change

a.       John kotter

b.      Tom peter

c.       Peter ducker

d.      Henry fayol

Ans:  John Kotter

22        which of the following is not a factor that needs to be considered while performing project planning estimation

a.       Dependency

b.      Independency

c.       Normal conditions

d.      Contingencies

Ans:  Dependency

23 ________corresponds to the definition phase of the project team development process

a.       Forming

b.      Norming

c.       Storming

d.      Adjourning

Ans: Storming

24        PSP stands for

a.       Project scheduling plan

b.      Project structure plan

c.       Project selection plan

d.      Project searching plan

Ans: Project structure plan

25 ____________refers to a project organization structure in which the project activities are controlled by both the project manager and functional heads

A.    Matrix project organizational

B.     Line and staff project organizational

C.     Pure project organizational

D.    Pure estimation project organizational

Ans:  Matrix Project Organizational

26        which one of the following of calculating standard deviation

a.       (b-a)/6

b.      (a-b)/6

c.       (m-a)/6

d.      (a-m)/6

Ans: (b-a)/6

27        which one of the following is not an objective of the project planning process

a.       Scheduling the tasks

b.      Evaluating the duration and cost of the project

c.       Tracing the progress of the project

d.      Tracking the size of the project team

Ans: Tracking the size of the project team

28        which one of the following is not a project planning estimation method

a.       Task breakdown

b.      Parametric estimating

c.       Work break down identification

d.      Structured planning

Ans: Work break down identification

29 ______________mentions the size and structure of the project team

a.       Communication plan

b.      Human resource plan

c.       Risk management plan

d.      Business development plan

Ans:  Human resource plan

30. Which one of the following is not an element of a project plan

a.       Project overview

b.      Project approach

c.       Project objective

d.      Project selection

Ans: Project Selection

31. according to ___________the more time you spend on planning, the less time you will need to spend on implementation

a.       Tom peter

b.      Tom raider

c.       Peter Drucker

d.      Henry fayol

Ans: Tom Peter

32        according to ________project is a temporary endeavor undertakes to create a unique product or service. Projects usually includes constraints and risk regarding cost, schedule, or performance cost

a.       PMI

b.      Chartered management institute

c.       Peter ducker

d.      H.W. Taylor

Ans: PMI

33        which one of the following is not a characteristics of a project

a.       Unique activities

b.      Different goal

c.       Specified time

d.      Allotted  budget

Ans: Different goal

34        A generic project life cycle has

A.    3stage

B.     4stage

C.     5stage

D.    6stage

Ans: 5 Stage

35 ______________refer to the non-repetitive activities that have never been performed in the past under the similar conditions

a.       Unique activities

b.      Specified objectives

c.       Connected activities

d.      Allotted budget

Ans: Unique Activities

36        A project is characterized by

a.       Routine activities

b.      Continuous life span

c.       Non routine activities and continuous life span

d.      Non routine activities and defined life span

Ans: Nor routine activities and defined life span

37        A planning phase in project life cycle is followed by

a.       Control phase

b.      Execution phase

c.       Initiation phase

d.      Closing phase

Ans: Execution phase

38        activity sequencing is categorized as a sub process of

a.       Project time management

b.      Project scope management

c.       Project integration management

d.      Project human resource management

Ans: Project time management

39 ____________refers to the formal closure of the project

a.       Closing

b.      Planning

c.       Execution

d.      Imitation

Ans: Closing

40.  Among the various phases of project management, the maximum efforts is required in

a.       Clean up phase

b.      Concept and define phase

c.       Planning and organizing phase

d.      Implementation phase

Ans: Implementation phase

41        the sequence of phases in project life cycle is

a.       Imitating planning executing controlling closing

b.      Imitating executing planning controlling closing

c.       Executing controlling closing imitating planning

d.      Imitate planning controlling executing closing

Ans: Imitating planning executing controlling closing

42 ­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ___________refers to implementing a project plan by performing the activities involved in a project

a.       Project plan execution

b.      Project plan development

c.       Integrated change control

d.      Project integration management

Ans: Project plan development

43        which of the following is not a project management principle as per PMI

a.       Figure out what business you are in, and then mind your own business

b.      Prepare an expensive plan

c.       Understand the customers’ requirements and put them under version control

d.      Build a good team with clear ownership

Ans:  Prepare an expensive plan

44        specification requirements analysis is performed in the _____________--phase of project management life cycle

a.       Marketing

b.      Post completion analysis

c.       Analysis and evaluation

d.      Design

Ans: Analysis and evaluation

45 ­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________involves creating a detailed plan to send it to appropriate entities such as stakeholder’s governance boards sponsors and clients for approval and financing

a.       Presentation

b.      Implementation

c.       Appraisal

d.      Evolution

Ans: Presentation

46        what is the first phase of project management life cycle

a.       Marketing phase

b.      Design phase

c.       Analysis and evaluation phase

d.      Post completion analysis phase

Ans: Analysis and Evaluation phase

47        which one of the following is not considered for managing project resources

a.       Resource scheduling

b.      Resource allocation

c.       Resource optimization

d.      Resource forecasting

Ans: Resource forecasting

48 _______________describe the how element of the project, which implies the course of action required to execute the project

a.       Project scope

b.      Product scope

c.       Price scope

d.      Production scope

Ans: Project scope

49        which one of the following is not an advantage of project management

a.       Focus on performance of employees by providing them training

b.      Aligns the project with the strategic goals of the organization

c.       Increases the project success ratio

d.      Increases risk

Ans: Increases Risk

50 _______________ensure the efficient utilization of people involved within the projects

a.       Project communication management

b.      Project quality management

c.       Project human resource management

d.      Project cost management

Ans: Project Human Resource Management

51        which one of the following is not a part of project procurement management

a.       Procurement planning

b.      Quality risk analysis

c.       Solicitation planning

d.      Source selection

Ans: Quality Risk Analysis

52        which one on the following is not the functional area of a project manager


a.       planning

b.      budgeting

c.       training

d.      financing

Ans: Training

53        which one on the following roles is not played by a project manager

a.       convener

b.      commuter

c.       communication

d.      facilitator

Ans: commuter

54        which one on the following is not a quality required by project manager

a.       personal vision

b.      integrity

c.       enthusiasm

d.      empathy

Ans: Personal Vision

55        which one of the following cannot be the functional of a project manager

a.       defining and maintaining the integrity of a project

b.      accomplishing the set objectives

c.       formulating clear and attainable project objectives

d.      arranging for the personal requirements

Ans: Arranging for the personal requirements

56        which one on the following is not a part of selection criteria of a project manager

a.       sensitivity

b.      credibility

c.       communication skills  

d.      leadership style

Ans: Communication Skills

57 ________enables the project manager to work under various challenging condition

a.       patience

b.      empathy

c.       competence

d.      integrity

Ans: Patience

58        In the ___________phase, the project manager also formulate guidance for time cost and resources required for a project

a.       implementing

b.      budgeting

c.       terminating

d.      planning

Ans: Budgeting

59        which one on the following is not a technique of selecting a project manager

a.       role plays

b.      quality circles

c.       mock interview

d.      expert evaluation

Ans: Quality Circles

60        the credibility of a project manager is evaluated on the basis of

a.       administrative and technical skills

b.      administrative and communication skills

c.       administrative and leadership skills

d.      administrative and negotiation skills

Ans: administrative and technical skills

61 __________refers to a stage in which all the planned activities are put into action

a.       terminating

b.      planning

c.       budgeting

d.      implementing

Ans: Implementing

62    The participation of the team member in project planning helps in building a sense of _____________among them

a.        Abusing

b.      Belongingness

c.       Separation

d.      Responsibility

Ans: Belongingness  

63    ______refers to the post execution phase of the project

a.       Planning

b.      Financing

c.       Controlling

d.      Terminating

Ans: Controlling

64    which one on the following is not a characteristics of a good project team

a.       goal oriented

b.      technically competent

c.       problem oriented

d.      individual oriented

Ans: Technically competent

65    The cultural aspects are reflected in the _______of team member

a.       language

b.      behavior

c.       attitude

d.      performance

 Ans: Performance

66    which one of the following is not a reason of the matrix team problem

a.       career priorities

b.      temporary assignments

c.       supervisory issues

d.      technical flaws

Ans: Technical Flaws

67    when did Thamhain and Wilemons conduct a research on conflicts in project management

a.       1975

b.      1985

c.       1965

d.      1995

Ans: 1975

68    what are the two channels in the matrix projects through which the command is delegated

a.       project line and functional line

b.      cross line and management line

c.       fine line and observational line

d.      project line and motivational line

Ans: Project line and Functional line

69________________helps a project manager to motivate his/her team member to work in unity

a.       communication skills

b.      leadership skills

c.       team building skills

d.      negotiation skills

Ans: Team Building skills

70    The regular ____________between the project manager and tem members helps  in sorting out the issues obstructing the progress of the project

a.       Communication

b.      Conflicts

c.       Arguments

d.      Contradictions

Ans: Communication

71    _____________refers to an area in which the project manager arranges various non-financial resources

a.       Financing

b.      Controlling

c.       Budgeting

d.      Procuring

Ans: Procuring

72. Project managers have the highest level of authority and the most power in which type of organizational structure?

a) Projectized
b) Strong Matrix
c) Functional
d) Balanced Matrix

Ans:  Projectized

73. What is one of the most important skills a project manager can have?

a) Negotiation skills
b) Influencing skills
c) Communication skills
d) Problem Solving skills

Ans: Communication Skills

74. Which of the following contracts should you use for projects that have a degree of uncertainty and require a large investment early in the project life cycle?

a) Fixed Price
b) Cost Reimbursable
c) lump Sum
d) Unit Price

Ans: Cost Reimbursable

75. A Project manager would find team development the most difficult in which form of organization ?

a) Weak Matrix Organization
b) Balanced Matrix Organization
c) Projectized Organization
d) Tight Matrix Organization

Ans: Weak Matrix Organization

76. A narrative description of products or services to be supplied under contract is called ?

a) The project plan
b) A statement of work
c) An exception report
d) Pareto analysis

Ans: The Project Plan

77. All of the following are contract types except:

a) Unit Price
b) Make or Buy
c) Cost Reimbursable
d) lump Sum

Ans: Make or Buy

78. Which type of leadership is best suited for optimizing team performance in projects?

a) Democratic leadership
b) Participative leadership
c) Autocratic leadership
d) Authoritative leadership

Ans: Participative Leadership

79. What are the 4 stages of team development?

a) Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
b) Enthusiasm, Hope, Panic, Solution
c) Forming, Solutioning, Normalizing, Communicating
d) Direction, Motivation, Cooperation, Collaboration

Ans: Forming, Storming , Norming, Performing

80. Your IT Company is responsible for making software virus programs. You are responsible for managing both individual product releases and co-ordination of multiple released over time. Your role is that of a :

a) Project Manager
b) Program Manager
c) Functional Manager
d) Operations Manager

Ans: Program Manager

81. Which of the following is not a feature of a project?

a) Constrained by limited resources
b) Planned , executed and controlled
c) Creates unique product or service
d) May be ongoing and repetitive

Ans: May be ongoing and repetitive

82-A ____ is a set of activities which are networked in an order and aimed towards achieving the goals of a project.

(a) Project

(b) Process

(c) Project management

(d) Project cycle

Ans: Project

83-Resources refers to

(a) Manpower

(b) Machinery

(c) Materials

(d) All of the above

 Ans: All of the Above

84-Developing a technology is an example of

(a) Process

(b) Project

(c) Scope

(d) All of the above

 Ans: Project

85-The project life cycle consists of

(a) Understanding the scope of the project

(b) Objectives of the project

(c) Formulation and planning various activities

(d) All of the above

 Ans: All of the above

86-Following is (are) the responsibilities of the project manager.

(a) Budgeting and cost control

(b) Allocating resources

(c) Tracking project expenditure

(d) All of the above

Ans: All of the above

87-Following are the phases of Project Management Life Cycle. Arrange them in correct order

1.      Design, 2. Marketing, 3. Analysis and evaluation, 4. Inspection, testing and delivery

(a) 3-2-1-4

(b) 1-2-3-4

(c) 2-3-1-4

(d) 4-3-2-1


Ans: 3-2-1-4


88-Design phase consist of

(a) Input received

(b) Output received

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

Ans: Both(a) and (b)

89-Project performance consists of

(a) Time

(b) Cost

(c) Quality

(d) All of the above

 Ans All of the above

90-Five dimensions that must be managed on a project

(a) Constraint, Quality, Cost, Schedule, Staff

(b) Features, Quality, Cost, Schedule, Staff

(c) Features, priority, Cost, Schedule, Staff

(d) Features, Quality, Cost, Schedule, customer

 Ans: Features, Quality, Cost, Schedule, Staff

91-Resorce requirement in project becomes constant while the project is in its _____ progress stage.

(a) 40 to 55%

(b) 55 to 70%

(c) 70 to 80%

(d) 80 to 95%


Ans: 80 to 95 %

92.  Which of these is not one of the constraints of aproject?

a.       Scope

b.      Resources

c.       Team

d.      Budget

Ans: Team

93.  Which of the following is not correct about initial phase of a project?

a.       The cost associated at the beginning of the project is highest.

b.      Stakeholders have maximum influence during this phase

c.       The highest uncertainty is at this stage of the project.

d.      All the above statements are correct.

Ans: The cost associated at the beginning of the project is highest

94.  Which of the following is not an example of formalcommunication?

a.       Contract

b.      email

c.       Project status report

d.      Status meeting

Ans: Email

95.  Which of the following is the most important element of Project Management Plan that is useful in HR Planning process:

a.       Risk Management activities

b.      Quality Assurance activities

c.       Activity Resource requirements

d.      Budget Control activities

Ans: Activity Resource requirements

96.  Which of the following types of Organizational Charts can be BEST used to track project costs :

a.       Hierarchical-type Organizational Chart

b.      Organizational Breakdown Structure

c.       Resource Breakdown Structure

d.      Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Ans: Resource Breakdown Structure

97.  Which of the following is not true for a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM):

a.       Defines what project team is responsible for each WBS component

b.      Defines what project member is responsible for each activity

c.       Text description of roles, responsibilities, authorities

d.      Defines all people associated with each activity

Ans: Text description of roles, responsibilities, authorities

98.  Process Analysis is a function of:

a.       PerformanceAnalysis

b.      Quality Metrics

c.       Process Improvement Plan

d.      Quality Improvement Plan

Ans: Process Improvement Plan

99.  Root Cause Analysis relates to:

a.       Process Analysis

b.      Quality Audits

c.       Quality Control Measurements

d.      PerformanceMeasurements

Ans: Process Analysis

100.  A planning phase for an engineering component generated 80 engineering drawings. The QA team randomly selected 8 drawings for inspection. This exercise can BEST be described as example of:

a.       Inspection

b.      StatisticalSampling

c.       Flowcharting

d.      Control Charting

Ans: Statistical Sampling

Project Management KMB401 MCQ

Q-1. Why Projects Succeed:

a) Strong project management

b) Good decision making structure

c) Good communication

d) All of the above

 Ans: All of the above

Q-2. Which is not a step in Project Identification:

a) Idea Generation

b) Preliminary Screening

c) Communication

d) Support Study

Ans:  Idea Generation 

Q-3. _____________is taking a first look carefully and critically at the project idea.

a) Project Formulation

b) Preliminary Screening

Ans: Project Formulation

Q-4. Projects are different from standard business operational activities as they:

a) Are unique in nature.

b) Have a defined timescale.

c) Have an approved budget.

d) All

Ans: All

Q- 5. Selection of Right __________which can produce a Right Quality product at Right Cost.

a) Technology

b) Person

Ans: Technology 

Q- 6. Indirect costs are sometimes also referred to as_____________.

a) Lower Possible Direct Costs

b) Oversight Costs

Ans: Oversight Costs 

Q-7. Project Appraisal is a detailed study of several aspects of a given project before recommending it.a) True

a) True

b) False

Ans: True 

Q-8. The functional division contains the normal path of advancement for individuals whose expertise is in the functional area.

a) True

b) False

 Ans:  True

Q- 9. Pessimistic time is the shortest time that an activity would take to complete.

a) True

b) False

Ans: False

Q-10.______________is a business concept, which if turned into a tangible product or service, by the enterprise, will result into profit.

a) Opportunity

b) Threat

Ans: Opportunity 

Q-11. If the probabilities of possible outcome of a given problem are known, we can conclude that the problem has an element of uncertainty, i.e. the outcome cannot be predicted.

a) True

b) False

Ans: False 

Q-12. Direct costs are expenses that come out of the project budget_________.

a) Directly

b) Indirectly

Ans:  Directly   

Q-13. Project Monitoring and Control is the ________ process group in Project Management.

a) Fourth

b) Third

Ans:  Fourth

Q- 14. Lack of realistic/ achievable objectives is a benefit in project formulation.

a) True

b) False

 Ans: False 

Q-15. __________drive the setting of deadlines for delivery of projects, and hence people's assessments of your reliability.

a) Time estimates

b) Work estimates

Ans: Time estimates 

Q-16. The project network is the tool used for planning, scheduling, and monitoring project progress.

a) True

b) False

Ans:  True

Q-17. If the project has to be completed ahead of the schedule, then the time required for at least one of the critical activity must be_________.

a) Increased

b) Reduced

Ans:  Reduced

Q-18. Top Reason for Project termination

a) Expensive or does not meet company’s goal

b) Project gets out of control

c) Important or priority project comes up

d) All

Ans: All

Q-19. The ______________ is a measure of the conformance of the actual work completed (measured by its earned value) to the actual cost incurred.

a) Cost Performance Index (CPI)

b) Schedule Variance (SV)

Ans: Cost Performance Index(CPI) 

Q-20. Termination by starvation involves greatly ______________ the budget of a project.

a) Reducing

b) Increasing

 Ans: Reducing

Q-21. Indirect costs are those that are shared across multiple projects.

a) True

b) False

Ans: True


Q-22. Project financing is a loan structure that relies primarily on the project's cash flow for repayment, with the project's assets, rights, and interests held as secondary collateral.

a) True

b) False

Ans: True 

Q-23. Pure project organizations are structurally simple and flexible, which makes them relatively easy to understand and implement and the __________tends to support a holistic approach to the project.

a) Payment Structure

b) Organizational Structure

Ans: Organization Structure


Q-24. Break-Even Analysis is a Point of ‘__________________’.

a) More Profit More Loss

b) No Profit No Loss

c) Less Profit Less Loss

Ans: No Profit No Loss


Q-25. Non-Industrial Projects are generally made by the Government for societal benefits.

a) True

b) False

Ans: True 

Q-26. Project management is about:

a) Organization

b) decision making

c) changing people’s behavior

d) All

Ans: All 


Q-27. Project Management Information System (PMIS) are system tools and techniques used in project management to deliver ____________.

a) Products

b) Information

Ans: Products 

Q-28. The _______________is a project controlling procedure and is one of the key performance indicators of a project, like the cumulative flow diagram.

a) Earned Value Analysis (EVA)

b) Schedule Variance (SV)

Ans: Earned Value Analysis(EVA) 

Q-29. -----------------------provides a scientific and quantitative base for the appraisal of projects with a view to determine whether the total social benefits of a project justify the total social costs.

a) Project Analysis

b) Social Cost Benefit Analysis

Ans: Social Cost Benefit Analysis 


Q-30.  Risk management at the time of project evaluation may be done as:

a) At the time of Project Evaluation

b) At the time of Project Implementation

c) Both

Ans: Both 


Q-31. Market and Demand Analysis provide a detailed analysis of all market condition and helps in estimating future revenue from the project

a) True

b) False

Ans:  True

Q-32. __________is used in such projects with a probabilistic method using three time estimates for an activity, rather than a single estimate.

a) CPM 


 Ans: PERT

Q-33.  A __________is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule.

a) Pie Chart

b) Gantt chart

Ans : Gantt Chart

Q-34.  Analytical techniques are:

a) Regression Analysis

b) Grouping Methods

c) Casual Analysis

d) All

Ans: All 


Q-35.  Project termination (or close-out) is the ___________ stage of managing the project, and occurs after the implementation phase has ended.

a) First

b) Last

Ans: Last 

Q-36. A project is a unique endeavor to produce a set of ________within clearly specified time, cost and quality constraints.

a) Deliverable's

b) Products

Ans:  Deliverable's 

Q-37. Risk is the possibility of outcome being different form the expected outcome.

a) True

b) False

Ans: True 

Q-38.  __________is imperative for you to keep your project on schedule and helps you complete on time.

a) Earned Value Analysis (EVA)

b) Schedule Variance (SV)

Ans:  Schedule Variance (SV)

Q-39. A work breakdown structure (WBS) is prepared to determine the exact nature of the tasks required to complete the project.

a) True

b) False

Ans: True 

Q-40.  Technical aspect measures the effect of the project on the basis of__________.

a) Techniques

b) Money

Ans: Techniques 

Q-41.  PLC stand for ________________

Product life cycle

Project Life Cycle 

Production Life Cycle

 Ans: Project Life Cycle

Q-42. _____________is an inexact process in that it tries to predict the future (likelihood of time to be incurred).

a) Planning

b) Scheduling

Ans: Scheduling 

Q-43.  The ___________is a combination of functional and pure project.

a) Matrix Organization

b) Pure Organization

Ans: Matrix Organization


Q-44. _________is used to analyze the inter-relationships between the tasks identified by the work breakdown structure and to define the dependencies of each task.

a) CPM


Ans: PERT 


Q-45.  Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) describes the participation by various organizations, people and roles in __________tasks or deliverables for a project.

a) Completing

b) Reducing

Ans: Completing 

Q-46. ___________are those that have been incurred in a project, but have not produced value towards the project’s objectives.

a) Social Costs

b) Sunk Costs

Ans: Sunk Costs 


Q-47.  A project budget is the total projected costs needed to complete a project over a defined period of time.

a) True

b) False

Ans: True 

Q-48 Crashing refers to a particular variety of project schedule compression which is performed for the purposes of decreasing total period of time (also known as the total project schedule duration).

a) True

b) False

Ans: True 

Q-49.  A milestone is a task with __________ duration.

a) Long

b) Zero

 Ans: Zero


Q-50. How are technical employees motivated?

a) Recognition

b) Achievement

c) Responsibility

d) All


NEET College Predictor 2023

EET College Predictor 2023 NEET college predictor is a tool to assist medical aspirants in predicting top medical colleges based on their NE...